Staze Offset Project - Tradewater

Staze Offset Project - Tradewater

We use our profits to offset the carbon footprint of every hotel booking made on Staze. Our portfolio of projects is aligned to the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting to balance long-term, short-term, carbon removal and prevented emissions.

About this project

Tradewater works to collect, control, and destroy gases that, if otherwise released, would increase global warming and accelerate climate change.

The process is focused on old refrigerants that are up to 10,900 times more potent than CO₂, including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Controlling and destroying these gases is an essential element of the global strategy to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Once collected, these powerful greenhouse gases are destroyed using rotary kiln technology approved under the Montreal Protocol. The technology heats the refrigerants to temperatures between 1,800°F and 2,200°F. This process causes the refrigerant molecules to break down, destroying 99.99% of the harmful gases.

Tradewater's credits are verified in a two-step process. An independent third-party verification body reviews all the documentation associated with the project to ensure that the gases were collected in compliance with all applicable regulations and that the project is eligible for carbon credits. After approval, the project is submitted to a carbon offset registry. Carbon offset credits are issued once the registry determines that all requirements have been met.

Staze carbon footprint 2021

Key benefits

  • Destroys extremely potent pollutants before they can enter the environment
  • Highly additional since destroying CFCs and HCFCs has no economic value other than carbon offsetting


Proven Causality

Strong. Emissions resulting from the destruction process are accounted for, and once the substance is destroyed there is virtually no possibility of it returning.


Very Strong. No other market for ODS destruction exists, implying there’s no standalone economic value in the process Tradewater operates.


Very Strong. No storage is required.

Secondary Impacts

There are no significant co-benefits to the process Tradewater operates.

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