Frequently asked questions

Are hotels more expensive on Staze?

No, hotels are not more expensive on Staze because we give you access to the hotel’s corporate rates. This makes our rates cheaper, or comparable, to other online booking platforms like

How many hotels does Staze have?

Staze has over 450,000 hotels in 14,000 locations around the world. You will find well-known brands such as Holiday Inn & Hilton, as well as smaller boutique hotels on Staze.

Do I pay extra to get my bookings offset?

No! Like other online booking platforms, we make a small commission on every booking. Some of this commission we invest in offsetting the carbon footprint of your booking.

Is Staze really free? What’s the catch?

Yes, a Staze team account really is free. Like other online booking platforms, we make a small commission on every booking. Some of this commission we invest in offsetting the carbon footprint of your booking.

What reporting materials do you offer?

We are always improving our reporting materials to make Staze as useful as possible for your business. Here are the standard reports we offer on a monthly basis:

If you are interested in specific reports or content to share, let your account manager know.

How do you calculate our carbon footprint reductions?

We use local benchmarks from government sources for 232 cities and 39 countries to calculate the carbon footprint of staying in any given city. This figure is compared with the actual carbon footprint of the booking to calculate emissions reductions.

What is the cancellation policy on bookings?

The cancellation policy on bookings varies from hotel to hotel. You can see the specific cancellation policy of a hotel room on the hotel listing page. Many hotel listings on Staze offer flexible cancellation policies that let you cancel until the last minute.

If I need help with a booking, how do I contact Staze?

When you contact Staze, you will always speak to a human and we do our best to resolve any questions or issues as quickly as possible. Our customer support team is here to help via email ( or via chat support on your booking page.

Can I make changes to bookings?

We can make changes to bookings up until the free cancellation date. After that, there may be a cost to change bookings.

Can I still claim loyalty points?

Yes! When you check in you can still get your points for the stay added to your hotel’s account.

Which currencies can I pay in?

You can set your account to be in AED, GBP, EUR, JPY, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Singapore Dollars, or US Dollars.

Can I only book low carbon footprint hotels on Staze?

No, not all of our 450,000 hotels have a low carbon footprint. We understand that particularly for business travel, price and convenience play a key role when making a decision about where to stay. That’s why we show you all hotels while encouraging you to make a greener choice whenever possible.

How do you offset?

We offset your hotel bookings with 4 high quality projects that align to the Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting and are third-party verified. You can read more about our offsetting projects here.

How much do you offset for each booking?

We will calculate and offset the specific carbon footprint for the hotel you book. If we do not have carbon footprint data for a hotel, we will offset the average carbon footprint for a hotel in the city you are staying in.

How do you calculate the carbon footprint of hotels?

Staze builds on official guidance from the GHG Protocol to calculate hotel emissions from business travel. In order to achieve market-leading accuracy, we calculate a hotel emission factor for each individual hotel as opposed to using a single hotel emission average.

Research shows that 75% of the carbon footprint of staying at a hotel comes from energy usage. We therefore firstly look at the total energy consumption of hotels and which types of energy they use. This is matched to 8 other data points including the occupancy of the hotel, the location type and the number of rooms in the hotel to give a clear picture of the environmental impact of staying in any given hotel.

Our model adheres to the highest standards of the TCFD principles on effective disclosure so you can rest assured that our approach is reliable, verifiable and objective. When it comes to reporting on your carbon footprint, we can share a detailed list of assumptions and sources and workings. Get in touch with us if you require that.

Why do you display data rather than certifications?

When it comes to action in sustainability, the most important things a hotel can do are set a science-based reduction target and reduce their absolute carbon footprint. We make it easy for you to see and choose these hotels. A hotel can have an eco certification but not have set a science-based reduction target or have actually reduced their carbon footprint, which is why we do not show eco certifications.

Are all of the offsetting projects third party verified?

Three of our projects are certified by VERRA or the Gold Standard. Charm Industrial is not yet third party verified because of the long term R&D nature of the project which we think is important to a mixed portfolio of offsetting projects. However, they do have a good pathway towards being certified either by a governmental regulatory body or a voluntary standard in the next 2-3 years. You can read more about their approach to becoming the most transparent removals company, here.

Can I choose which offsetting projects my team’s bookings are offset with?

Bookings are automatically offset through our four projects. If you would like to only offset your bookings through one project, get in touch with your account manager.

Do I get an offsetting certificate?

Yes, each year your company will receive a certificate confirming where and how your hotel emissions have been offset.

Do I have to add a company card?

No, adding a company card is optional. Regardless of whether you save a company card, team members will have the option to pay with a personal card on check out.

How do people pay if I don’t add a company card?

Team members will always have the option to pay with a personal card on check out.

Can we pay by monthly invoice instead of card?

We don’t offer this service at the moment. If this is something you are interested in, you can register your interest here.

How secure is saving my company card?

All payments on Staze are managed through Stripe. Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1 (this is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry). You can read more about Stripe’s security and Privacy Policy.

Staze do not have access to your company card details and your team members cannot access your company card details. Only the admin of your team account can add, update, and remove a company card.

How will my Two Factor Authentication work with a saved company card?

We suggest adding Staze to your trusted vendors within your banking portal which means 2FA won’t be required every time an employee books on Staze. This can be done when you set up the company card on Staze (you will be taken through your 2FA and can usually select to add Staze as a trusted vendor).

Are there are any limits / restrictions on the company card?

There are no limits or restrictions through Staze. However, you can assign limits on your card through your bank.

Can I make someone else the admin of the team?

Yes, just send us an email at with the name and email address of the person you would like to assign to be the admin.

I’ve got lots of questions, who do I speak to?

You can send us an email at, or book in a call with one of the team here.