2 green hotels in Krefeld

2 green hotels in Krefeld

If you're travelling to Krefeld and want to make your trip as sustainable as possible, then choosing a more eco-friendly hotel can reduce your footprint below the 13.7 kg CO2 local average emissions per night.

We've calculated the CO2 footprint of 2 hotels in Krefeld using multiple live data sources and an approach based on academic research to help you reduce the carbon footprint of your trip.

Here are the 2 most eco friendly hotels in Krefeld based on the latest data on Staze.

The greenest hotel in Krefeld

Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof

Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof in Krefeld!

Mercure Parkhotel Krefelder Hof is the best option if you are looking to reduce the carbon footprint of your stay as much as possible. By taking more energy from green sources, and improving the energy efficiency of their hotel, the hotel group has managed to reduce their footprint to be the lowest in Krefeld.

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A green choice 4 star hotel in Krefeld

Mercure Tagungs- & Landhotel Krefeld

Mercure Tagungs- & Landhotel Krefeld in Krefeld!

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly four-star option, then we recommend Mercure Tagungs- & Landhotel Krefeld. It offers the comforts and luxuries of a four star hotel, and yet has still taken concrete measures to reduce its energy usage.

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So there you have it, those are the 2 best hotels to book if you want to make your trip to Krefeld that bit more sustainable.

We'll update this blog regularly as more hotels disclose their emissions. To make your bookings carbon negative, book on staze and we'll double offset your bookings with carbon offsetting projects.