The 3 most sustainable hotels for your next trip to Saarbrucken
The average hotel in Saarbrucken emits 13.7 kg CO2 per night, but by choosing a more sustainable hotel you can reduce your footprint below this.
At Staze we've calculated the CO2 footprint of 3 hotels in Saarbrucken using multiple live data sources and an approach based on academic research.
So here are the 3 hotels that we would recommend in Saarbrucken!
The greenest hotel in Saarbrucken
Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken City
Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken City is the best option for people who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. By taking energy from green sources and improving their energy efficiency, they have managed to achieve a low environmental impact in comparison to other hotels in Saarbrucken.
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Sustainable accommodation on a budget
ibis Saarbruecken City
Who would have thought that saving money and the environment can go hand in hand? The ibis Saarbruecken City lets you do your part for a healthier planet while still getting a great rate on your room.
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Business hotel for sustainability in Saarbrucken
Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken Süd
For an option that offers flexible cancellations while still doing its bit to stop harming the planet, we recommend Mercure Hotel Saarbrücken Süd.
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So there you have it, those are the 3 best hotels to book if you want to make your trip to Saarbrucken that bit more sustainable.
We'll update this blog regularly as more hotels disclose their emissions. To make your bookings carbon negative, book on staze and we'll double offset your bookings with carbon offsetting projects.