Which 2 hotels in Huizhou are greenest?

Which 2 hotels in Huizhou are greenest?

We are in a climate crisis, so anything you can do to reduce the carbon footprint of your trip to Huizhou is a step in the right direction.

The data shows that average emissions for a hotel in the city are 61.9 kg per night, here are some of the more sustainable options you can book to reduce your footprint below that average.

Officially the most sustainable hotel in Huizhou

Pullman Huizhou Kaisa

Pullman Huizhou Kaisa in Huizhou!

Pullman Huizhou Kaisa is the best option if you are looking to reduce the carbon footprint of your stay as much as possible. By taking more energy from green sources, and improving the energy efficiency of their hotel, the hotel group has managed to reduce their footprint to be the lowest in Huizhou.

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A green choice 4 star hotel in Huizhou

Crowne Plaza Huizhou

Crowne Plaza Huizhou in Huizhou!

Of all the four star options in Huizhou, Crowne Plaza Huizhou have been able to reduce their energy usage per guest the most. If you’re looking for a four star option that will reduce your carbon footprint, book this hotel.

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As more and more hotels disclose their carbon emissions in Huizhou then we'll keep this blog updated.

To make a climate positive hotel booking, where more CO2 is offset than emitted, book on Staze.